Command Reference

User Permissions Mapping


The following commands add/update a Discord Role against a Sobol User Permissions mapping:

/user-map add-readonly <DISCORD_ROLE>

/user-map add-regular <DISCORD_ROLE>

/user-map add-admin <DISCORD_ROLE>

Tip: You can use @everyone to give every user a certain permission level.

Note: If a user has multiple roles with different permission levels, they are assigned the highest level.


The following command will remove a role from a Sobol User Permissions mapping:

/user-map remove <DISCORD_ROLE>

Note: If users with this role have no other roles with permissions, they will be archived on Sobol and lose access until they gain a new role with a permission level or one of their roles is given a permission level.


The following command will list the current Discord Roles to Sobol User Permissions mapping:

/user-map list

Role Membership

The following commands add/update a Discord Role against a Sobol role mapping:

/role-map add <DISCORD_ROLE> <SOBOL_ROLE_NAME (search)>

/role-map remove <DISCORD_ROLE> <SOBOL_ROLE_NAME (search)>


The following command will list the current Discord Roles to Sobol Role mapping:

/role-map list

The following command will link an existing Sobol User with a Discord User:

/link create <DISCORD_USER> <SOBOL_USER_NAME (search)>

Tip: Follow the bot's responses to guide you through complex linking scenarios. Pay attention to what the bot says!

Note: If the Discord User already has an associated Sobol User (for instance, if the bot automatically provisioned it), the associated Sobol user will be permanently deleted. Use /link show (see below) to check the link relationship of a Sobol user.

The following command will show which Discord user the specified Sobol user is linked to:

/link show <SOBOL_USER_NAME (search)>

The following command will unlink an existing Sobol User with a Discord User:

/link remove <SOBOL_USER_NAME (search)>

The following command will show a list of up to 20 Sobol users that are not linked to a Discord user:

/link list-unlinked

Tip: Use this command to quickly see if you've missed any Sobol users during your manual linking process.


The following command will start a full and reoccurring synchronization:

/sync start

The following command will stop ongoing synchronization:

/sync stop

The following command will force a full resynchronization in the case of unexpected behaviors:

/sync force

The following command will force a single user’s resynchronization:

/sync user <DISCORD_USER>

Scheduled Updates


Set API Key

The following command sets the Sobol API Key that the bot will use to perform actions in your Sobol organization. You can use this to update the key if it expires or you wish to rotate it.

/set-api-key <SOBOL_API_KEY>

Note: Doing this command will not erase any of your mapping commands (such as /user-map, /team-map, /role-map) or link relationships, making it easy for you to rotate your API keys.


The following command will link back to this document:


Last updated